About me

I am a PhD Candidate at the School of Computer Science, Sun Yat-sen University, under supervision of Prof. Kai Huang.

Before starting my PhD, I have worked as a algorithm engineer Intern at Huawei IAS BU in Hangzhou. I have also worked as a robotics algorithm engineer at CVTE in Guangzhou.

I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in control science and engineering, school of automation, Northwestern Polytechnical University, where I did research in multi UAVs under supervision of Prof. Jinwen Hu. You can find more info about my work in my github repositories.

  • PhD Candidate - Sun Yat-sen University, since 2022
  • M.S. - Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2019-2022
  • B.S. - Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2015-2019